
You can diagnose a child with Turner syndrome before he or she is even born. when woman have only minor physical features may not be diagnosed until later in life. During ultra sounds, you might be able to discover kidney or heart problems within the baby. Karyotypes are done to document the existence of an abnormality in chromosomes. Karyotypes are simply another name for laboratory analysis. the most common cause of Turner syndrome is the karyotype of X Monosomy. it is written as 45X "meaning that an individual has 44 autosomes and a single X chromosome."This disease is diagnosed by the damaged or missing X chromosome. A female is a female by having two X chromosomes, often written as XX. A male is a male by having an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, often written as XY. Measuring blood hormone levels and ultrasounds to measure heart defects, are also tests to help determine if the individual has Turner's syndrome.