
 Girls with Turner syndrome have the life expectancy of every other girl. Most girls with Turner's syndrome have the ability to learn normally. Some of the things they can normally do are...
  • Write well
  • Learn well by hearing
  • Memorize information as well as others
  • Develop good language skills
Some things that might keep a girl from living a normal lifestyle is...
  • They have to go to the doctors office more frequently than others to get medications and check-ups 
  • They might have to have a specific schedule's of shots every day.
  • They may have difficulty with motor coordination, visual spatial intelligence and social interaction. y
  • They may have math difficulties but have an advanced vocabulary
Girls with Turner Syndrome can live a normal life without any limitations. all they have to do is keeps visiting the doctor and take their medicine and they could have an amazing life.


if you have a friend or family member with Turner syndrome, it is good to respect their feelings and emotions. You can join a support group or ask a doctor about finding a society with other people that have Turner's syndrome. You can also stay active in sports and other activities that you like. To boost your self esteem, you can do volunteer work. you can talk to a professional therapist or consular. The Last thing you can do is keep a journal or diary entree about questions or things that happened that day. One organization that might be able to help with Turner syndrome is the Human Growth Foundation